Beekeeping Seminar

2024 Seminar information now AVAILABLE!
Group 1 is already full; Group 2 is still open.


Mastering the Art of Beekeeping 2024

Attend the most complete and comprehensive beekeeping set of classes offered in North Texas


Introductory course to the fascinating world of beekeeping and honey production for the beginner or hobby beekeeper. Learn the art of basic beekeeping. Set up your own colony of bees. Assemble your own bee equipment. Learn how to produce your own honey.

The sessions are led by experienced beekeepers and include lecture and hands on application of the presented material that is based on The Beekeeper’s Handbook by Diana Sammataro. Course includes five 4hr sessions (8AM to 12 PM). These classes are designed for the beginner or beekeeper with limited experience. Beekeeping equipment and bees will be available for purchase during the seminar.

This course is scheduled for five Saturday morning sessions: once each month January thru May at Sabine Creek Honey Farm. Only 12 people for each group of classes will be accepted and advance registration is required.

Schedule for 2024

Due to the increased interest in beekeeping, two groups of seminar classes will be offered on Saturday mornings.

Group 1

  • January 20
  • February 3
  • March 2
  • April 20
  • May 4

Group 2

  • January 27
  • February 10
  • March 9
  • April 27
  • May 4

A third group on the afternoon of Group 2 will be offered if there is sufficient demand.

What’s Included

  • Five class sessions
  • Beekeeping handbook (one per family)
  • One year’s family membership in Collin County Hobby Beekeepers Association

The Cost

  • $250 for one person
  • $200 each for additional family members
  • $35 for each additional handbook (one included per family)


Advance registration is required.

Only 12 people per class will be accepted to enhance student/instructor interaction.

Download info and registration form

Download the above form and mail along with payment to:

Sabine Creek Honey Farm
P.O. Box 6
Josephine, TX 75164

Call or text John Talbert at 214-532-9241 or email for other detailed registration information.

What’s Covered

Session One

Session one will cover the history of beekeeping, bee anatomy, and setting up bee colonies. Bee anatomy and how it is related to the bee’s life and work will be covered. The various ways to set up new colonies will be discussed and demonstrated. You will also learn about woodenware and personal protective equipment. Students will be able to order new equipment, bees, and woodenware at this session.

Session Two

Session two will review the difference between honey bees and other bees in addition to the difference between bees and other stinging insects. The history of Africanized Honey Bee (Killer Bee) and its current location in North America will be reviewed. Information on identification of bee diseases and parasites will be presented.

Session Three

Session three will focus on the collection of nectar and pollen, natural conversion of nectar into honey, and the honey harvest. Production of comb honey and extracted honey will be discussed. Honey extracting equipment will be demonstrated. The last part of the class will cover the list of year round activities.

Session Four

Session four will be in the bee yard opening hives and performing a normal spring inspection that will include evaluation of stores, honey flow underway, amount of brood, location of the queen, and general health of the colony. If the students have elected to purchase bees, they will be available to take them home that evening.

Session Five

Session five will provide a review in the bee yard after the students have had experience with their bees. The class will provide additional practice finding the queen and examining an established colony for brood, hive population, and general health of the colony.


“The class was very interesting and educational.”

Jerry H., Dallas

“The combination of lectures, preferred reading list, videos, and (best of all) Hands On time with bees blended well for true and lasting learning.”

Lisa B., Terrell

“I would encourage anyone interested in beekeeping on either a professional or hobbyist level to take the class.”

Jo B., Irving

About the Instructors

John J. Talbert

John started Sabine Creek Honey Farm over 35 years ago. He is a graduate of the University of Texas with a Bachelors in Mechanical Engineering and spent many years in Facilities Engineering and Management. He has served at all levels of beekeeping associations including President and Co-Vice President of Collin County Hobby Beekeepers Association, President and Executive Secretary of Texas Beekeepers Association, and Treasurer of the American Beekeeping Federation’s Honey Queen Program. He helps manage and coordinate the TBA State Fair Booth. John has been a frequent speaker at local, state and national conferences.

John (Skip) Talbert

Skip is a retired Army Sergeant First Class and has specialized in pharmacy management before becoming Operations Manager at Sabine Creek Honey Farm in 2014. He holds degrees in Business Administration from Northwestern State University in Louisiana, specializing in small business management and marketing. He and wife Amber have four children, Justin, Brennan, Seth and Sarah. Skip has served as President and Co-Vice President of Collin County Hobby Beekeepers Association and is on the Board of Texas Honey Bee Education Association. He helps manage the TBA Honey Booth at the State Fair of Texas and has spoken frequently on various beekeeping subjects.